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EPISODE 44: Larry Bird Having a Little Bit of Fun

That Actually Happened:  Larry Bird Won 3 Consecutive Three-Point Contests in the Most Larry Bird Way Possible

Larry Bird officially enters the HORSE pantheon with this story Mike shares with Eric. Larry Bird pulled off an incredible three-peat of the NBA All Star Three-Point Contest and did it the only way he knows how: by being a lovable asshole along the way.

3-on-3: The Three Best Facts about the Musical Commissioned by Daryl Morey and the Three Pettiest Moments by Russell Westbrook From the 2016-2017 season (Live from Houston)

For their live set in Houston, the HORSE boys talked solely about the local NBA team: the Rockets. Eric shares absurd details of a musical put together by Rockets GM Daryl Morey, and Mike details the pettiest things Russell Westbrook did after Kevin Durant left the Thunder for the Warriors.

And also: Larry Joins the Pantheon, Jay-son Kah-po-no, Bird & Schrempf: Solving Crimes, Kolachés, LMNOP, The Drug of Sondheim, Russell Westbrook is All Things, the Lilliput Existers, Tripods, Steven Adams Loves Cupcakes



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