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EPISODE 64: Peak Grumpy Boy Season

(with Behzad Dabu)



Full Court Press: Klay Thompson’s Injury, Mega Contracts, and NBA City Jersey Watch

With the NBA season happening later this month, the offseason has been chock full of news, most of it very exciting! The HORSE Boys cover Free Agent signings & new jerseys, and they wish Klay Thompson a speedy recovery from his achilles injury.

City Edition Jerseys


An Interview With: Actor/Activist Behzad Dabu discusses his NBA Fandom, Activism & ACTUAL BREAKING NEWS ON HORSE!

From fandom to activism to analysis, this interview checks every possible basketball box! Behzad Dabu sits down with Mike and Adam fora wonderful conversation that for once incorporates breaking news IN THE MOMENT!

And also: The Sirens, Gobs of Money, Spurs Fiesta, Microsoft Office 2000, Leroy McKnight, Blame The White Half, Group DM’s, People Be Thirsty, Clown Show Trades, The Chicago Inclusion Project, Ethical Billionaires, Unnecessarily Long CVS Receipts, Boston - The South of The North, Kanye West Pre-Kanye West



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